What if your emails were like love letters to your fans?

All day long, and all night too, as your potential clients hit “subscribe,” you’ll be whispering sweet nothings in their ear (er, inbox!) and if you do it right, they might even write back to you!

I'm Carolyn, and I help business owners like you make a big impression on their email subscribers so that they keep coming back for more.

Someone just signed up for your freebie! They eagerly await the arrival of the thing. It comes, they glance at it . . .

. . . a week later, they get an email from a stranger. Who’s this? They unsubscribe.

But wait! It doesn’t have to be like this! If you dial in your automated Welcome Sequence so that your new subscribers are surprised and delighted at every turn, they’ll be hanging on your every word. You worked hard on that marketing funnel and freebie! Don’t just let them walk away. Send them some love and win their hearts with email.
